Photo by Basso Cannarsa, Agence Opale

Author: Michel Serres

Michel Serres (1930 – 2019) was one of the most influential thinkers of recent decades.

He was a member of the Académie Française and professor at Stanford University. He is the author of numerous essays on philosophy and the history of science.

Serres’s books include The Parasite (1980), The Five senses (1985), The Natural Contract, (1990), Hominescence (2001), and a series of volumes about communication called Hermes (1969; 1972; 1974; 1980).

His recent works include Petite Poucette (2012, Thumbelina) and C’était mieux avant! (2017, Things Were Better in the Old Days), which were lauded by the press.

Serres was one of the few contemporary philosophers to associate science and culture in his vision of the world. His work is translated into more than twenty languages.

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